Existing vs Proposed Kitchen & Master Suite Remodel Plans, Camarillo, CA 93012

Existing vs Proposed West Entry Remodel Sketches, Camarillo, CA 93012
New kitchen & master suite design drawings, with remodeled, landscaped courtyard entry by ENR architects, Camarillo, Santa Rosa Valley, CA 93012
A veterinary professional and her son propose to renovate there single-family, courtyard ranch home with its vista overlooking the Santa Rosa Valley hills to the south. The typical tract home, compartmentalized kitchen & dining room, the compressed master suite, and the formidable, dreary, elevated driveway entry needed some help.
In the design by ENR architects, walls were trimmed in the kitchen, and the breakfast room was moved to the former dining room location, which opened up the space between the kitchen and new breakfast/office space, and added over 10 lf of new countertops. The former library was converted into the formal dining room, with the partition wall to the game room opened up between them. A ranch style covered porch was added along this entire south elevation (right side of plan) for enjoyment of the hill vista from all of these rooms.
The master suite was reconfigured to eliminate the secondary hallway, and to enlarge the bedroom space, which is served by an east covered master porch and spa.
The entry path from the west street was formalized with graceful, plant-bordered steps, and a continuous, wisteria-vine-covered trellis. The top of the winding procession terminates in a tower which frames a view of the hills, and aligns with the home entry. The transition from the tower to the home continues with trellis, and features wrought iron gates, a view of the fountain courtyard and new planters to the north (left)
Without adding any new square-footage to the home, the transformation from old to remodeled is lively, picturesque, and appropriate.