Summit At Calabasas Oak Tree Transplants, ENR architects, Granbury, TX 760492


Faculty House Hydronic Floors, ENR architects with Topos Architects, Palo Alto, CA 94306 Green Home Addition, Wholehouse Remodel, Landscape, Solar Electric, Solar Water Heating - ENR architects, Granbury, TX 76049

Green Home Addition, Remodel & Landscape

The sustainable design nature of ENR architects began during youth while collecting salvaged building materials with which to construct play structures and vehicles, and while reading of the Native American principles of respect for resources and their efficient utilization.

Today, it is a privilege to participate in a profession where the impact of each decision can contribute directly to the conservation of resources, energy efficiency and health, both locally and globally.

As an Accredited Professional in the Leadership In Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program of the U.S. Green Building Council, ENR architects provide sustainable consultation for environmentally rated improvements, such as senior & community centers, retail centers and tenant improvements, down to specific selections for home improvements. ENR architects assist with consideration of green decisions against the practicality of contemporary construction methods, longevity, cost benefits and life cycle.

"Hi Eric, our fan is great! The vent is at the end of the hall and a not noticeable. It's very quiet. We hardly ever use the air conditioner.
Brett just measured and the fan is 110' from our farthest bedroom window. We usually open those windows the most and it cools the whole house.
I would always add a whole house fan like ours to any house.
Thanks, Sandy"
(Custom Ranch Home)

Collaboration is the common strength among clients of ENR architects. Considering that we are a "one-stop" firm, providing feasibility studies, concept schemes, construction document development, structural design, mechanical design, electrical design and landscape design, our mutual success relies on dynamic, interactive communication throughout the entire process to occupancy.

With each design step, ENR architects is considering all of the above. The needs and sensibilities of each client vary greatly. With fluid verbal, written and graphic communication, each project holds great potential for lasting success.

ENR architects has been designing since the earliest of childhood memories, utilizing whatever materials and space became available. This love of design, art, mechanics and construction continued through high school, including art prizes and industrial design awards.

A BSME at CSULB led to a position with the R/D manufacturing engineering team at Pharmacia Ophthalmics in Pasadena, CA. However, the drive to combine art and construction blossomed into an MARCH at UT Arlington, TX, and an apprenticeship at Frank D. Welch & Associates, Dallas, TX.

The fine points of architecture and small business learned in Texas have served us well. ENR architects love the creativity & independence of small business, and the direct collaboration of working with residential and commercial clients.

Eric Neahr Rohlfing
Architect, TX#-18077, CA#-29654, LEED-AP