2-Story Wholehouse Remodel, Covered Patio Addition & Landscape, ENR architects, Granbury, TX 76049
“First of all, we're really pleased overall. We mentioned when we first met you that we wanted someone who would throw some crazy ideas at us and challenge our thinking, and we think you've done a great job of that.”
-Scott & Anita
Features: Sliding barn door living room partition, AG Millworks bi-fold patio doors, Cliq Studio cabinets, tinted concrete patio decks, patio ridge skylight, wood timber trellis, patio heaters, LED lighting fixtures, new copper wiring to replace the existing aluminum, gas BBQ counter & whole house ventilation.

Family Room "Before"

Chad Jones Photography
Mulick Construction
2-Story Whole House Remodel, Covered Patio Addition, BBQ Trellis, Front Porch Entry & Landscape with architectural & structural design by ENR architects, Granbury, TX 76049
This young, professional couple, and their quickly growing children, wisely desired to update their home before the busy parenting years slipped by.
Welcoming new ideas of ENR architects, and holding fast to their original, solid concepts, they energized their home in contemporary fashion by gracefully broadening the front entry porch, increasing the egress of the raised entry landing, replacing the Living-Kitchen partition with a huge barn door, transforming an awkward Living Room niche into a delightful, rolling ladder Library, expanding the Kitchen-Dining through a bi-fold French doors onto a new, sky-lit covered Patio, Trellis & BBQ, spaciously refining their Master Bath, and composing the landscape with colorful, fruitful, water-efficient, low-maintenance planting.